Analyzing Buzzwords,
Slogans & Mottoes:


2004 Edward G. Rozycki

reedited 9/20/18

Buzzwords are usually intended to be

            a. attention-grabbing, easily posted -- useful for advertising --and

            b. abbreviations of slogans.

Buzzworks can be short because they express ideas that are familiar and socially acceptable and  often taken for granted. Examples might be single-word signposts like, "Caution!" instead of "Exercise Caution!" Or "Excellence!" instead of "Pursue Excellence!" It's much less likely we would see signposts like "Cannibalism!" or  "Torture!" or "Mockery!"

Because buzzwords can be ambiguous they are often embellished by embedding them into slogans or mottos.

Slogans and mottos are devised primarily:

A. To motivate people to consensus on a plan of action; and often, most importantly,

B. To conceal a (values) question whose answer people might dispute.


For each of the slogans or mottos given below indicate:

a. a possible motivational intent, and

b. the (values) question(s) it conceals .

EXAMPLE: Make Every School A Good School!

Possible Motivational Intent  (PMI) : To get people to improve schools uniformly across a system.

Concealed Values Question(s)  (CVQ): What makes a school good? Can schools be different and still be good? Are these "goods" compatible? Who should judge this?

1. Treat all students fairly!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

2. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

3. Pursue Justice!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

4. Treat each individual as an end; never as a means!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

5. Leges Sine Moribus Vanae! (Laws without morals are of little worth. -- U of P crest slogan)

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

6. Mens Sana in Corpore Sano! (A healthy mind in a healthy body -- Widener  U Crest slogan)

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

7. Semper Fidelis! (Always faithful -- U.S. Marine Corps motto)

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

8. Gegen die Dummheit streben selbst die Goetter vergebens!  (Schiller: Against stupidity even the gods strive in vain.)

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

9. Never respond in anger!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

10. The best course of action is that which benefits the most people!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

11. To Really Educate, Teach VALUES!

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________

12.Ariston metron! (The middle course is the best! --Cleobulus)

PMI: ____________________________________________________________________

CVQ: ____________________________________________________________________