Alternative Syllabus for Social Foundations of Education:

edited 1/28/20

Alternative Class Calendar

Required Texts:

Clabaugh & Rozycki Materials for the Social Foundations of Education NewFoundations Press 2007 (out of print.)

1. School and Society: a systemic view
2. Governance, Law, Finance & Teaching
3. A Brief History of Education
4. Analyzing Controversy, Second Edition 2007 ;
5. Research WWW Portals for Social Foundations Topics,
plus Powerpoint presentations and study guides for use in class.

Also, Workbook: Foundations of Education will be provided in hard copy.  (Out of print. Check Site Index for topic samples.)

Course Objectives: This course

University X's Standards for Graduate Course Work:

This course adheres to University X's "Standards for Graduate Course Work." All University X graduate students are expected to:

Instructional Methodologies: Classes will feature lectures, video tape presentations, simulations, discussions of required readings, the sharing of brief written assignments and an assortment of student-centered activities. All of these instructional methods are designed to enhance the learning process while modeling various instructional strategies.

Course Requirements: