Historical Perspectives on Controversial Issues in Higher Education
Class Requirement Instructions
edited 7/21/09

I. Select an issue from the theme base below

    A. Expansion on a class theme presentation.

    B. Access to HE

    C. Faculty Tenure

    D. Funding Sources

    E. The Extracurriculum

    F. Town & Gown

    G. Physical Structure

    H. Curricular Structure

    I. The College and the Military

    J. The Purposes of Higher Education

K. Private vs Public

L. Religious vs Secular

M. The Place of Professional Studies

N. The Place of the Liberal Arts

O. Student Rights

P. The University and Industry

Q. The University and Government

R. University Culture

S. Science at the University

T. The Professionalization of Administration

U. Governance of the College, University


II. Developing the initial draft of your Major Paper. (Max 10 pages)

1. Look up a present controversy relating to an issue.
2. Review that controversy. (Give citations)
3. Analyze the controversy.
4. Give parallel examples and historical background from Lucas, Horowitz, or Rudolph (Give citations)
5. Select a date for distribution of copies to class members. Use Chicago MOS. See Section IV below.

III. Preparing a Critique of a classmate's Major Paper (Max: 4 pages)

1. Analyze the controversy given in the paper using distinctions from Analyzing Controversy. Cite fallacies, errors, oversights, etc.
2. Use examples and historical background from class texts to support your criticisms.
3. Suggest how paper could be improved. Cite strong points of paper.
4. Put only your ID code on the paper.
5. Prepare two copies. One for the professor; one, for the writer criticised. Distribute on schedule.
IV. Preparing your presentation (Maximum reading time: 30 minutes)
1. You will read the initial draft of your Major Paper. If it is too long, shorten it. If it is boring, liven it up.
2. Be prepared to publicly respond to the criticisms of your paper.
V. Preparing the final version of your Major Paper (Max: 15 pages)
1.  Incorporate material from at least five other relevant articles into your final draft. (Give citations)
2.  Incorporate sustainable criticisms into your final version, or adjust it accordingly.
VI. Hyperlink to further explication of procedure