Problem Analysis Worksheet
©1999 Gary K. Clabaugh & Edward G. Rozycki

(append other sheets as necessary)

See related article:
Solving School Problems

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edited 4/2/12

Initial statement of problem.______________________________________


Q1. What is the situation?._________________________________________


Q2. Whom does it concern? (3 examples)

First Party Concerned Second Party Concerned Third Party Concerned
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

Q3. How do they perceive it?

First Party Perception Second Party Perception Third Party Perception
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

Q4. Why does it concern them? (So What?)

First Party Concern Second Party Concern Third Party Concern
__________________ __________________ __________________
So what?_____________ So what?_____________ So what?_____________
So what?_____________ So what?_____________ So what?_____________

Q5. What changes do they propose? (can it fail?)

First Party Proposal Second Party Proposal Third Party Proposal
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

Q6. Can and will anything be done?

Check the powerholders: First Party _____ ; Second Party _____; Third Party _____

Q7. Who gains and who loses from the change?

Indicate Benefits/Costs

First Proposal

Second Proposal

Third Proposal
First Party / / /
Second Party / / /
Third Party / / /