This page was extracted and updated from Planning & Curriculum Theory with Applications © 2012 NewFoundations

Overview: Orientations to the Analysis and Development of Curriculum

Edward G. Rozycki, Ed. D.


edited 1/25/19

Hyperlinks go to articles or references expanding on topic.

1. Deductive from Goals (Nomothetic) vs. Phronetic from Examples (Case Analysis)

2. Historical from Goals: (Collins)

a. Status

b. Vocation

c. Social Control

3. Procedural

a. systems approach: inputs, throughputs, outputs

b. Project Management approach

c. Cost/Benefit analysis

d. Values analysis (see P. Tetlock)

e. Fast & Frugal Heuristics (Gigerentzer)

4. Organizational Conflict Analysis (March & Simon)

a. policy vs. individualization

b. delegated authority vs. authorized goals

c. process vs. product orientation

d. power vs. morale

5. Technical vs.Political: Analyst vs. Advocate

discourse analysis re: power and stakeholder status

description vs. persuasion

6. Structural

a. "logical"

b. pedagogical

c. disciplinary: (T. Becher) hard, soft, applied, theoretical

d. institutional

e. Basic social forms (A. Fiske)

These various perspectives or approaches are most normally mixed and interactive.