©2010 NewFoundations Edward G. Rozycki, EdD, Contributing Editor

The Educational Theory of Jean Piaget
a multidimensional analysis
by Gary K. Clabaugh, Ed. D.

This article, in a new and expanded form
organized for practical relevance in addressing
Vision, Mission, Objectives and Methods,

is available from the NewFoundations Archives

edited 1/13/11

Based on writings by and about Jean Piaget, answers have been constructed, with extensive endnotes and references, to the following questions in eight general areas:

I. Theory of Value: What knowledge and skills are worthwhile learning? What are the goals of education?

II.  Theory of Knowledge: What is knowledge? How is it different from belief? What is a mistake? A lie?

III. Theory of Human Nature: What is a human being? How does it differ from other species? What are the limits of human potential?

IV. Theory of Learning: What is learning? How are skills and knowledge acquired?

V. Theory of Transmission: Who is to teach? By what methods? What will the curriculum be?

VI. Theory of Society: What is society? What institutions are involved in the educational process?

VII. Theory of Opportunity: Who is to be educated? Who is to be schooled?

VIII. Theory of Consensus: Why do people disagree? How is consensus achieved? Whose opinion takes precedence?

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